请参阅: 说明
类 | 说明 |
Micrometer | |
MicrometerObservationIntegrationTest |
To run this integration test on an actual Zipkin instance, one can use Docker:
docker run -d -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin
Then open http://localhost:9411/zipkin/ in your browser. |
枚举 | 说明 |
MicrometerMeterListenerDocumentation |
Meters and tags used by
Micrometer.metrics(MeterRegistry) . |
MicrometerMeterListenerDocumentation.CommonTags |
Tags that are common to all PublisherMeters.
MicrometerMeterListenerDocumentation.TerminationTags |
Additional tags for PublisherMeters#FLOW_DURATION that reflects the termination
of the sequence.
MicrometerObservationListenerDocumentation |
Documentation of
Micrometer.observation(ObservationRegistry) tags and of the anonymous variant
of the observation (no Flux.name(String) ). |
MicrometerObservationListenerDocumentation.ObservationTags |
Tags used in the Observation set up by Micrometer.observation() tap listeners.
TimedSchedulerMeterDocumentation |
Meters and tags used by
Micrometer.timedScheduler(Scheduler, MeterRegistry, String) . |
TimedSchedulerMeterDocumentation.SubmittedTags |
Tag for the SchedulerMeters#TASKS_SUBMITTED meter.